Break Night (2018)

Genre:OtherDramaCrime Area:n/a Release:2018-01-10 Director:Unknown Actor:Unknow Status:HD

Plot:A lifetime hood has one night to repay a debt to an up and coming shot caller before he can leave town, all the while trying to duck a crooked P.O., a former partner with a grudge and a burned out Narc Cop, as well as do his best to win back the woman he left behind, who has spent her last few years paying a hard price for his mistakes.
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A lifetime hood has one night to repay a debt to an up and coming shot caller before he can leave town, all the while trying to duck a crooked P.O., a former partner with a grudge and a burned out Narc Cop, as well as do his best to win back the woman he left behind, who has spent her last few years paying a hard price for his mistakes.

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